Sloot Consult is an international consultancy bureau specialized in training and coaching of people to strengthen their knowledge and skills on policy influencing. Moreover, Sloot Consult offers strategic advise, monitors and evaluates policy influencing processes.
Sloot Consult aims to contribute to better and inclusive decision making, and hence more effective development policies: Policy Influencing for Development.
Policy influencing for Development
Often government policies are made and implemented without taking into account the specific situation of marginalized groups of people in society. In most countries there is still a huge gap between policy makers and civil society organizations, and often there seems to be very little room for bridging that gap. As a result, policies are ill developed and have ultimately a negative impact on, mostly, already disadvantaged groups in society.
However, experience shows that a lot can be learned from each other; both policy makers and civil society groups have valuable expertise to offer to develop better and more inclusive policies. Policy influencing can be one of the instruments to achieve precisely this, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive decision making and more effective development policies: Policy Influencing for Development.
Policy influencing
Can be campaigning, lobbying, advocating, or direct action. Sloot Consult trains and coaches staff of civil society organizations on how to get the right mix of methods to achieve most impact at policy level, including effective monitoring and evaluation of policy influencing.